Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where is the bottom ?

November and December 2008 will go down as one of the most dramatic economic downturns in history. Yet depending on which type of business you are in and or where you are located, you may not have even felt it yet.

All indications are that virtually every business will be impacted in someway, some severely others less so.

It will be amazing to look back after the inevitable recovery to analyze the impact of the media on this economic downturn compared to others. If one was to read and view the news these days, which I for one find it hard not to, it is gloom and doom 24hrs a day.

The markets are directly impacted by our overall confidence. It is critical that we remain both optimistic and realistic.

I believe strongly that this is the time for us to maximize the efficiency of our businesses, to constructively challenge status quo thinking, to provide support for better methods, to ensure regular honest communications with customers, staff, suppliers and partners.

So where is the bottom ?
No one knows for sure, but by most accounts it will be in the next 6 to 12 months.

The best strategy is to be lean, mean, and fit to ride the inevitable recovery better and stronger than ever.

Dan MacDonald

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