Friday, March 28, 2008

It is obvious, right ?

Ever been involved in a situation where the path forward seems obvious to everyone, except you ? Everyone in the discussion is leaning toward a certain direction, they are feeding off one another building a strong contentious….but you are listening and thinking “what the - - - -?”

You listen, you genuinely look for the logic in their thinking, you wonder whether you should just go along for the ride, or…..

You finally have the courage to say; “Guys what am I missing here ? Why does everyone believe that this is the obvious direction to take when there are several other options to consider ?.....

Then it happens. Several of the folks that were only moments ago driving confidently toward a direction, are considering options, even aligning with your thinking. Why does this scenario play out so many times ?

I think people generally like to follow not lead. Further people generally migrate toward proposed decisions rather than debate.

As accountable and responsible professionals tasked with doing the right thing, we need to be aware of this phenomenon and interject logic in otherwise illogical debates.

This is not about dragging on debates for the fun of it, nor about being contrary, it is about recognizing that “what is obvious to a group of people who are feeding off each other…” may be anything but obvious.

Don’t be scared to ask the tough question(s) when the group is heading toward the obvious.

It is obvious, right ?

Dan MacDonald

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