Thursday, March 20, 2008

Think it through

Those of us who are caught up in the fast pace of life, have less and less time to think.

I am not talking about going to the top of the mountain alone for days on end, nor am I talking about procrastination. I am talking about the concept of "thinking through a situation" so as to find the best path forward. Thinking something through may take five minutes or it may take a weekend.

Some of us think out load and need to talk it out with others, while others are silent thinkers.

When you look back at the things you have done well vs. the things you wish you could "do over", I wonder how many of the latter you could have avoided. Not them all I am sure, but I'll bet there are a few notables.

Reacting to a situation on instinct, especially a tough situation, can be impressive but it can also be disastrous. We obviously do not always have the opportunity to think it through, as professionals we are expected to think on our feet, but when we have the time do doesn't it make sense to.

Think it through.

Dan MacDonald

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